Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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He did register
but said he hasn't gotten the activation mail and has sent for it several times. I even made him a sig
and yeah i can't let him use my computer anymore today because he keeps trying to hack into my e-mail - naughty boy    go help my mum with making the iftari - since you two get on so well

Posted 31 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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btw whatever he says - it is your greatness which has attracted him here

ok enough of me, i'm getting of the pc now!
Posted 31 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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shahrukh khan said:

ab tu ayega btw where is ur lil bro chandra

i think he's lost interest

plus after he finishes his college work he spends his spare time playing sports with his friends or flirting with his fiancee.
Posted 31 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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he didn't get any iftari treats!
but i'm about to get off the computer so he can use it to register and say hello.
i feel guilty now .... tesh you can share my mango kulfi

before he starts being a typical blond macho man, i will appologise to all on his behalf - it's my fault he's here    
Posted 31 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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yep my parents know - well they found out after i had gotten it (about a week after ), i was afraid they would talk me out of it!

yes it is haram, and for many reasons, i didn't know at the time and now i can't afford to get it removed! anyone have a spare 5 grand?

yes this was one of the foolish things i did as a youthful and naive 19 year old. i'm very fond of it though

i'm getting my belly button pierced for my birthday! it will look really good hopefully, espcially since i've put so much effort getting nice abs

Ash sis - see this is true sisterhood - you've recognised me in a mad crowd
Posted 31 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Desi_MC said:

ma bad....
wud u like to go w me on this harvest moon night party ???
dress up tha way ;)
if ya knw wat i mean....

Yeah i know what you know, it's a costume party --- and so i'll dress up as a nun (which i have done in the past =)
Posted 30 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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okay just because of the apache chopper i will show you my new pics, here's two of them

can you guess where i am in the party crowd?

and here's a little something not many people know about. yes it was very painful

Posted 30 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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it's coming early here

in the uk it's on thursday
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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modesty is a virtue and yeah this is a horriable world, just stay wised up and away from trouble, inshallah no problems will come to you.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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Bush_Blasta said:

hmmm i guess i mite go wit chandermukhi's view

my view won't do you wrong inshallah
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

Chandramuki said:

two more pics, they are very artistic so don't complain about not seeing my face properly - it's meant to be like that!

chand sis theres only one?

sall plz post pic of ur self, lets c that beau face.

i'm not sure why it didn't load, i'll try again.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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oh btw yes i have new pics of me, but i was in an accident last year (nothing major but broke my nose and jaw) so had to have my nose made up, i'm still self conscious of it since coupled with my weight loss, it makes me look a bit different i miss my chubbier self!
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

DMC I love the spikey hair
that's some collection of CDs you've got there

but...are those stuffed animals yours man?
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

Awwww yuck
I hate being caught in between
the lubby dubby scenes

hehehe they are not lubby dubby scenes - you join in as well innit with your own mr it can be like a double date

btw DMC you never asked me out - you jumped straight to running off
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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DMC boy I'm a Gucci shoes gal but keep the shoes and get me a Jet to run away in - after all this things gotta be done in uber style

Ek main hoon, ek tu hai
Chaahatein hain, aarzoo hai
Aashiqui bhi ab shuru hai

Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Your Birthdate: December 2

Your birth on the 2nd day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your life.
The 2 is a very social number allowing you to make friends easily and quickly.
Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.

You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection.
You are more prone than most to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil.
It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

yep ^ that's me.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

The reason I love that blog site is becaue they have very true interpretations! A lot of your results are true in my eyes, like SALL about 85% of your result I would agree with as being you.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

This topic would have been very surprizing to me a year before because then the concept of a jahil molvi never crossed my mind. All the molivis and Imams I have come across have always been educated, so I am fortunate. They would dress in shalwar kameez, speak fluent Arabic, English and Urdu, plus would usually be from a profession.

However, since some asian channels started running religious talk shows, I've seen some very strange molvis, they would come across as very ignorant and backward because - my own biased coming in - they wouldn't understand the language the question was in and hence wouldn't be able to give a proper answer. I mean they may well have been able to answer properly if the question was in Panjabi, but most of the questions were in Urdu.

It is sad and not right for the channel to bring such molvis in because it makes the molvi feel embarrassed and insecure of himself.

In my oppion being bi-lingual is very important for a religious leader, be it knowing Urdu and Panjabi (Arabic is a must) or Urdu/Panjabi and English. Just look at the Pope, no one calls him Jahil, he dressess tradtionally, has no other job apart from being the Pope at the Vatican - - - but he can speak every tongue and I think that gives him the cutting edge over our lesser educated molvis.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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nikama said:

o.k.homo- sxuality is reality in pakistan,phir kya kia jay?

Ye kia jay:

Educate your children early on that homosexuality is haraam, it doesn't have to be said that way, but carried out in practise, like don't let them dress with other boy/girls, build a strong sense of sharaam in them.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Well it looked like you were fun at her expense, because it wasn't fun for her.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ashkhan said:

JB was too scary for me to rite i have been readin for 2 yrs finally i joined, still didnt know u guys till i joined.

You just need to jump into the deep end, don't hold back and come out in a decent manner (which you do) and avoid the threads where idiots are gathered together, because there's no winning with a person who thinks whatever they say is right - even if what they say is blatenly rubbish.

Man you should have joined before! You've been keeping your valuble contributions back from JB for so long!

I have a friend just like you, she would read the posts on a LINKIN PARK forum but wouldn't reply incase her posts were taken in the wrong way or she got a freak on her tail. Well one day she did post, and now there's no stopping her!

Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

im bored so here goes with anothoer topic. why do u like JB so much? and wat do u think of particular members (can b good or bad thing)? r u scared sometimes that something u may say may b taken wrong? and that there may b some1 out there who has the wrong intentions, does that freak u out?

ok lets get troublesome. who pisses u off from JB? whos posts u dont value? and who doesnt know what there talking about? and who just doesnt tickle u fancy?

im brewing trouble , wat its halooween night.

I have enough net experience to know there are always sickos out there, but you can't sit scared - because there is so much filth and dangers out there how many things you goining be scared of and avoid? I don't want to sacrifice the thrill of chatting to nice people at the expense of a few freaks.

Yes JB has its freaks, they wonder the threads by our sides everyday but we either don't recognise them or when we DO we tend to ignore them.

At the moment I am ignoring 2 freaks. They know who thet are

I like a lot of members, you AshKhan, Lil Dolly, Sall, Balich, HiritzGirl, Kash, WoL, Dreamer, SabzPari, SD, Desi MC, Shanshah, Bush Blasta - to name a few. I like you people because you are great people, geniune and your posts make me smile or inspire me to write my veiws.

The people I don't like .... well let's just say they also know who they are and their numbers are a small fraction compared to the ones I like I don't like them because they are idiots/ insensitive jerks/ and basically just come out with a lot of crap.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

ashkhan said:

hey don anyone hurt ma baby doll. sorry sis if ur hurt.

no worries
I think I can deal with it

Of course you can - you're a fighter, but unfortunatly compassionate too because you let them get away with it so easily.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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Oh my God, the nerve some of you have!

It's all fine and dandy for to say now "post all you want - love ya posts etc" but where was your head - and your heart - when you made this mean little topic? Does hurting someone in Ramadan please you?

No the damage is done, you've hurt her, she's showing her greatness by accepting the appologies/explainations some of you have given. Goodness knows, if I was in her shoes I wouldn't have let you off the hook.

And finding your posts is not the big issue you are making it - just tick the bloody "Email Notify me of Replies" and you will be informed if someone replies, dah, not rocket science!

Posted 29 Oct 2005

Topic: ChICkEn LiL

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

I haven't heard of it yet, i will look it up at killer movies
Posted 28 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Badal said:

Chandramuki said:

Badal said:

So eventually you agreed, God decides whats right and wrong, and its upto the people to abidy by or not, ....

I never disagreed to that, take any one of my posts and show me where I said that being gay wasn't a sin. btw there is a differance between a sin and a crime, do i need to the dictionary out again for you?

Quran is my dictionary, i have already shown its meanings from dictionary.

Its a sin and a crime too, if not, why Allah destroyed Qoum e Lut? just answer it. And why Allah ordered us to punish them?

I already raised many questions, but you wasnt able to answer a single, try again.

*sighs* Quran isn't a dictionary, that's degrading it, but then you use terms in your own way so i'm not surprized you'd be using other things differently as well. you irritate me, there are two types of questions people ask, one, those who are trying to find an answer to increase their knowlegde, and two, those who ask just for sake of stirring trouble and getting at people in an argumentative and jahaal manner. Your questions are not only unclear but fall into catagory two so i don't have the patience to deal with you.

your wierd reasoning, patronising and arrogant manner are not going to conform my thinking and ideology, so you should just give it a rest.

If you really are in this to benifit others, follow SD's exapmle of mature, learned and modest approach. You've been constantly trying to put me down in hopes of "defeating" me, well firstly that's not going to happen, I've dealt with people like you before and you don't scare or intimidate me, and yes it has just been me, i don't know why, maybe because I'm a girl and you're sexist, you haven't once commented on anyone else, for a homophobic like you it's surprizing you didn't once comment on BadShah's remark on use all being a bit homosexual.

If you keep coming at people with a big headed and demeaning attitude which makes you look like you're trying to intimidate rather than explain, it's going to get you no where.
Posted 28 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
it means a lot coming from you SD
Posted 28 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

I want to be in ..... hmmm shopping with Dolly! In Italy!
Posted 28 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yeah BB get a hair cut that typical curtains hairstyle is so old. or put some highlights in your hair to modern it up
Posted 28 Oct 2005

Topic: Get In ShApe

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

I gained some weight a few years ago but university stress caused me to lose it all and lots more, but i miss my curves now - well nothing that a few weeks of burgers and cakes can't solve

you know being in shape means being healthy and fit with stamina not stick thin
Posted 28 Oct 2005